Thursday, June 23, 2011

BOOK REVIEW .On The book . The ultmate guide to horses .

Author:Debby Sly . This book is about the most popular breeds in the world . BOULONNAIS. Origin:Northwest France . Environment:Open habitat including grassland . Blood: Cold blood. Height: 15.0 16.2 hands high.{1.50 1.65m}. Colours: Grey , bay , black and chestnut . People  use these horses for  draught work . 
By Jaimee

BOOK REVIEW .On The book . The ultmate guide to horses .

Aurthur: Debby Sly . This book is about  the most popular breeds in the world . My favourite breed is a Ardennais . Ardennais can be brown , chestnut , grey , bay, palomino and roan. They come from France and Belgium . The environment they live in is a open habitat including grasslands .
By Jaimee